Pastor finds $176,000 in his church parking lot! 

A pastor in Dallas, Texas, was surprised to find $176,000 in his church parking lot. The pastor was thrilled and said the sudden find was an answer to prayer as the church was facing several projects that needed funding. The pastor said it all started when he heard one of his employees talking about a company that helps churches locate lost or forgotten funds. He said he was skeptical at first as he knew of no funds that the church may have lost track of. The pastor talked further with his employee, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought the claim was at least worth looking into. The employee gave him the company’s name, and he set up a time to meet the president and founder of the company. 

The president explained to the pastor that his congregation was losing tens of thousands of dollars a month and did not know it. These losses were occurring in almost every area of the financial life of every family in his church! Seeing the pastor was still skeptical, he showed him a printout of how his company locates money with an actual family’s Get Out of Debt Plan, as he called it. 

The plan had the family’s name blacked out, but the company’s president said it was an actual client’s plan and was typical of what he finds in almost every home. The example showed a family that was living paycheck to paycheck with a first and second mortgage, a car payment, and multiple credit cards, as well as money owed for a few personal debts. The plan revealed how the family was losing money through multiple areas and showed in detail how to correct the losses. Some of the loss areas included overpaying taxes, incorrect debt structure, overpriced and unnecessary insurance products, overpriced consumer products, and unrealized income, to name a few. The client’s plan showed this particular family found over
$1,000 a month that was recovered and went into their monthly budget. They were completely debt free in around six years! 

When this process is applied to the entire congregation, it adds up to thousands and thousands of dollars, which are then freed up and become available. The pastor was so convinced that he set up a time for this company to come and help his church. When it was all done and added up,
$176,000 per month was freed up throughout the congregation! 

This is a true story and really happened through the work of Forward Financial Group and a Your Financial Revolution Conference. Forward Financial Group works with churches of all sizes and is on a mission to support the vision of the local church. Oh, about that first statement concerning finding $176,000 in the church parking lot? Isn’t that where your congregation parks? 

I am also a pastor, and the Bible says debt is ROBBING God’s people! Debt steals the joy and excitement of life, forces people to work in jobs they hate, and takes away their options.

I’ve been there. I was in a financial pit. On antidepressants, dealing with panic attacks, and trying to cope with the hopelessness of my situation, I was a modern-day slave to debt.

Today's slaves live in houses they don’t own, drive cars they don’t own, and buy clothes with their Visa cards, which they never pay off. They use debt to go to school, furnish their homes, and even buy food.

Pastor, it is a terribly sad fact, but it is likely that most of the people in your church are slaves to debt!

There are answers.

God taught me how to win my war against debt and live financially free, and He can help you and your people as well. As a pastor, my heart is for YOU and the local church.

That’s why we have Your Financial Revolution Conferences. These events, which we hold at
no cost to the host church, are designed to help people break free from debt and live free financially.

We’ve taught this material to hundreds of thousands of people in both the U.S. and in other nations for more than 26 years; and we’ve seen the dramatic financial and spiritual impact this revolutionary teaching has had on the lives of believers and on the finances of the churches they’re a part of as, together, they broke free from the life-choking slavery of debt.

We help propel the vision of local pastors for their churches by helping their people, and we can help propel your vision for your church by helping your people.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions I receive about hosting a Your Financial Revolution Conference at a church. 


Pastor Gary Keesee pays for all travel and lodging expenses for himself and his staff. At the close of the last session, he will encourage the conference attendees to release their faith, and an offering will be collected for your ministry. All pastor Gary requests is an honorarium.


In one church of 200 members that hosted a Your Financial Revolution Conference, our Money Coaches freed up an average of $810 a month per family to pay off debt. Of the members we worked with in the church, we were able to free up $176,000 per month. If all of these families complete the debt elimination plan according to the amortization schedules our Money Coaches created for them, it will save them over $28,000,000 in interest payments. As you can imagine, this significant savings has a tremendous impact on the financial health of a church. This is the kind of dramatic spiritual and financial impact we hope and work for in every church that hosts a Your Financial Revolution Conference.


Having led more than 200 conferences, I know the most impactful format for a ministry is a live event during which I teach five 45-minute sessions over two days. Although a five-session conference is the most impactful, the Your Financial Revolution Conference is able to fit anywhere in your church life. After you submit your request for an event, other format options can be discussed. At the conference’s conclusion, Money Coaches will be available for each household with an interest in completing a debt plan.

To request Gary Keesee fill out the form below.

Or contact Adrienne Ward, our Event Coordinator, at
(740) 964-7400, Extension 518

If you saw a check made out to your church for $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, or more laying on the ground, wouldn’t you pick it up?

To request more information about hosting a Financial Revolution Conference fill out the form below.

invite gary to your event form


Specific dates
Open to accommodate Gary's schedule



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